Need A Residential Inspection
There are many under-trained inspectors in the field. You want a seasoned professional who has performed at least 2,000 inspections.
You DO NOT want to simply take a recommendation from a Realtor.
We suggest finding an inspector who is a member of the American Society of Home Inspections (ASHI).
Simply go to the website:, or to, and click on “Find an Inspector.”
Put in the ZIP code of the property you wish to have inspected and it will offer you sevral choices. Consider only those that are Certified ASHI inspectors.
Call and request a person-to-person interview to be certain that you have found an inspector that will go beyond the minimum standards mandated by most state legislatures. (Those standards are quite low.)
Contact Us
1409 Berwick Road
Baltimore, MD 21204
Jack Reilly
Mobile: 301.351.5040